Facilities in DCU Office

Facilities in DCU Office

The face of Dungannon Credit Union changed in 2023. We are now delighted to offer our members new and old, a spacious, modernised and engaging surrounding to transact in with an enhanced experience that meets the changing needs of our members.

Achieving Access for all Members. In consideration of the member mobility, access was of paramount importance in the re-development with an open modern space at road level.
Sustainability For the Future - Having a much ‘Greener Focus’ was also an important consideration for the board, to be able to play our part in the protection of the environment. Working closely with the project team to install Solar Panels ensures we are reducing our carbon footprint.

What can members expect?

As a non-profit financial institution that holds its members at its heart, we have conducted surveys, listened to feedback and incorporated additional services for our members’ convenience including:

  • A Quick Lodgement facility.
  • A Self-Service booth which enables efficient transfers and balance enquiries, supporting our member online banking services.
  • Opening hours below also include Saturday opening to 1pm for members convenience.
  • Additional consultation rooms will ensure the utmost discretion for our members.
  • The familiar faces of our experienced teller staff look forward to welcoming members, new and old.
  • The introduction of an electronic community notice board in office will also provide our members with CU news, events and help support local businesses.
“Love the new building... ease of access to desk and personal experience (staff knowing members on 1st name basis) and the simplicity of being able to quick lodge on busy days...”
“DCU is the very heart of the community, my dad has always promoted the CU as run by the people for the people. I am a member from a young child and my children all have CU accounts. It is so important for all communities to have and use their CU.”

Member Survey March 2023