14 May 2024
Nominee Week- Is your Nominee up to date with DCU?
📣DCU NOMINEE WEEK- Is the Nominee on your account up to date? Perhaps your circumstances have changed recently? e.g marry, divorce or if perhaps your named nominee is now deceased? 🤔 It is so important to keep your details with DCU up to date.
👉Benefits of having a Nominee in place.
The nomination is a written instruction that tells DCU what to do with your savings in the event of your death. Having a nomination provides peace of mind and allows a more straightforward instruction for all concerned.
👉One of Dungannon Credit Union's member benefits is the Life Savings insurance it offers. In the event of Members death, the contents of the account alongside the respective insurance will be paid to the nominee(s) for the account.
✅How to change or review your Nominee
Simply, call in to the office and request update at the counter, the process is very straightforward and a signature is required for any changes. You will need the address & contact details of the person you are nominating.
*Only the named person on the account can change the Nominee.
*The Nominee must be aged 18 or over.
Opening Hours
Tues 9am - 4.30pm
Wed 9am - 1pm
Thurs & Fri 9am - 4.30pm
Sat 9am - 1pm
👉Find out more about the Insurance benefits DCU covers at no direct cost to the members. https://www.dungannoncu.com/Life-Savings-Insurance
Get in touch on 028 87723729 or email info@dungannoncu.com